


69th District Judge

County Judge

Precinct One

Precinct Two

Precinct Three

Precinct Four

County Clerk

County Treasurer

County Sheriff

County Attorney

County Tax A/C

Justice of the Peace


Extension Service

Juvenile Probation


County Sheriff

[Co Sheriff]

Shane Stevenson

501 Denver Avenue
Dalhart, Tx. 79022
Sheriff's Office: (806) 244-2313
Jail: (806) 244-2541

The sheriff is the chief law enforcement officer of the county. Primary responsibilities includes operation of county jails. The sheriff's department conducts criminal investigations, arrests offenders, serves warrants and civil papers, furnishes bailiffs for all state courts, and provides general law enforcement protection. Though the sheriff has county-wide jurisdiction, most sheriff's departments concentrate their activities outside city limits where municipal officers do not operate. In counties of less than 10,000 population, the sheriff may serve as the county tax assessor-collector.



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