69th District Judge
County Judge
Precinct One
Precinct Two
Precinct Three
Precinct Four
County Clerk
County Treasurer
County Sheriff
County Attorney
County Tax A/C
Justice of the Peace
Extension Service
Juvenile Probation
County Judge
Wes Ritchey
414 Denver Avenue, Suite 301
Dalhart, Tx. 79022
(806) 244-2450
The county judge is the presiding officer and a voting member of
the commissioners court and constitutional county court. Actual
judicial responsibilities of county judges vary among counties
because statutory county courts at law exist with overlapping
jurisdiction in many counties. In a few counties, portions of usual
county court jurisdiction have been assigned to district courts. In
many major metropolitan areas, the job of the county judge is
primarily administrative rather than judicial in nature.
In the role of presiding officer of the commissioners court, the
county judge oversees all county government departments through
the court's responsibility for approving annual budgets for the entire
Generally, county courts have jurisdiction in civil cases when the
amount in controversy is at least $200 but not over $10,000.
courts also have jurisdiction in probate matters, appellate (from
justice of the peace courts) jurisdiction over Class C
misdemeanors, and original jurisdiction in Class A and B
Constitutional county judges have original jurisdiction in probate
matters, including mental illness and guardianships. The county
judge may act as juvenile judge and serve on the county juvenile
board, as well as conduct marriages and act as a coroner, when
necessary. A county judge is not required to be an attorney, but
the Texas Constitution stipulates that the county judge "shall be
well-informed in the law of the state."