69th District Judge
County Judge
Precinct One
Precinct Two
Precinct Three
Precinct Four
County Clerk
County Treasurer
County Sheriff
County Attorney
County Tax A/C
Justice of the Peace
Extension Service
Juvenile Probation
Precinct One
Austin Sage
414 Denver Avenue, Suite 301
Dalhart, Tx. 79022
(806) 244-2450
Four commissioners are elected in each county from individual
precincts. They serve four-year "staggered" terms. Every two
years at the general election, two commissioners are elected for
four-year terms. The commissioners and the county judge make up
the county commissioners court, the governing body of the county,
responsible for county matters not assigned to other elected
officials. Many people mistakenly believe the main job of county
commissioners is road and bridge building and upkeep. In the past,
those were their major responsibilities, so county commissioners
were commonly called "road commissioners." Today, county
commissioners may be properly seen as a member of the board of
directors of the county's biggest corporations. Responsibility for
voting on the budgets of each county department means
commissioners must be familiar with all county functions.
Constitutional and statutory duties of the commissioners court
include dividing the county into commissioner and justice of the
peace precincts, establishing and maintaining roads, providing
necessary county buildings, and managing public lands held by the
county. County commissioners courts are also responsible for
other activities permitted by statute.