


69th District Judge

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Justice of the Peace


Extension Service

Juvenile Probation


Justice of the Peace

Carol Smith

414 Denver Ave. Ste. 101
Dalhart, Tx. 79022
(806) 244-4827

Justices of the peace are elected for four-year terms from precincts established by county commissioners court. Texas' constitution provides that justice of the peace courts:

1. Original jurisdiction in criminal misdemeanor cases which are punishable by fine only;
2. Exclusive jurisdiction in civil cases when the amount in controversy is $200 or less;
3. Other jurisdiction as provided by law.

Justices of the peace are ex-officio notary publics, may perform marriages and can act as coroners.

Additionally, justice courts have jurisdiction of:

1. Civil matters in which exclusive jurisdiction is not in the district or county court and in which the amount in controversy is not more than $5,000, exclusive of interest, cases of forcible entry and detainer;
2. Foreclosure of mortgages and enforcement of liens on personal property in cases which the disputed amount is within the justice court's jurisdiction.



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